
Allied debate over a second front
Allied debate over a second front

allied debate over a second front

Allied air forces dropped conventional bombs with a destructive force equivalent to 230 atomic bombs between 19 (Overy 2014, Hastings 2013). Strategic bombing was a key part of the fighting.

allied debate over a second front

In a new paper, we examine this question using evidence from the most deadly conflict in world history, namely, WWII (Adena et al.

allied debate over a second front

While there are numerous historical case studies, little systematic data exist on the use of tools used to undermine the enemy’s will or their effects (Beaven 1999, Gregor 2000, Jones et al. Nonetheless, how enemy morale can be broken is an open question. Recent evidence from WWII suggests that radio could serve as an important means of coordinating Italian partisan attacks with Allied conventional forces (Gagliarducci et al. Herodotus tells us how the Persian king Xerxes I, invading Greece and finding his path blocked at Thermopylae, sent out envoys who threatened the defenders with massive volleys of arrows that would block the sun. Rapid, easy victories often rely as much on military might as on destroying the enemy’s morale (Horne 2012, Van Creveld 2007). ‘Shock and awe’ – impressive shows of strength – and propaganda can be used to rally one’s own side and to weaken the enemy’s morale. Is the word mightier than the sword? In most conflicts, adversaries aim for victory by both direct and indirect forces, undermining the enemy’s will to resist.

Allied debate over a second front